Issue 28
March 2020

By Kim Collings


1. Beast Profiles

2. Nutrition

3. Looking Ahead

Articles and interviews dedicated to reporting on the amazing people and stories of Your Beast Team!

Meet Mario Guiza!

Image may contain: Mario Guiza, smiling, sunglasses and outdoor

What was your first OCR race and what made you decide to try it?

June 24, 2017 Boise Sprint was my very first race.  It took me 1 hour and 50 mins long to complete the race I think I failed 6 obstacles.  Two of my best friends, Justin Zachman and Joe Brown, introduced me to OCR and encouraged me to get out there and try it.  It took me 1 year to train and prepare for my first race and these guys were by my side the whole time. 

Image may contain: 2 people, including Mario Guiza, grass, child, outdoor and nature

How has OCR helped you overcome challenges?

OCR has giving me the opportunity to face small giants in my life, one race at a time.  first it was the 7ft and 8 ft wall.  There was no way in my mind that I could get over it but with practice and getting over the fact of just telling myself that I could do it was the toughest challenge.  I learned to face it (the obstacle) one try at a time.  I eventually got over the 7ft wall with technique help from going to a monthly beasts WOD at Idaome Movement academy.  I get more excited now when I fail an obstacle because now I get to train to overcome it. 

What do you love most about the OCR Community?

The OCR community is awesome.  A bunch of everyday working people from all sides of life and shapes that just want to have fun and challenge themselves.  At first I thought there’s no way I could be part of a group like this, everyone is a pro athlete and I’m just this fat guy trying to get healthy. lol  was I wrong. Everyone I’ve met in the Beasts OCR family has welcomed and encouraged me to push myself and never give up.  It’s always good to have a support system in your life, especially when your goals are similar.

Image may contain: 6 people, including Mario Guiza, people smiling, people standing, sky and outdoor

Who inspires you?

My friends inspire me, from my boys that got me into OCR and my new friends I’ve meet through Beasts OCR. Doug, who is about the same age as my father, has really inspired me just by the dedication he has to his workouts and his endurance and all the races he does.  He helps everyone he comes across in a race and never lets you give up.  Watching him travel to Greece this last year and doing the hurricane heats and all the back to back races he does makes me want to push harder.  

Image may contain: Mario Guiza, smiling

What is your favorite OCR memory?

For my birthday this year I got to run in Sacramento with my son Joey and friends Paul, Kyle, Joe and Seth and completed my first double trifecta and my son completed his first trifecta.  it was a great birthday weekend and trip.

What is your favorite and least favorite obstacles?

The rope climb has to be my first favorite obstacle because it was one the first things I learned how to do and its just you and the rope.  I hate the multi rig, the rigs are my nemesis. Every time I come across rings on the multi rig I fail, so I need to work harder on my ring technique.

What length of race do you like best?

As of right now I really like the super’s length of a race. 6 miles is a good distance to push the whole way and not get so exhausted. This year I will need to get through an ultra beast and endure a Ghost event.

Tell us something about yourself that few people know, whether OCR related or not?

Married for 17 years to my beautiful wife Sarah and we have two awesome boys, Joey (15) and Micah (9). I’m a worship leader at my church and youth leader.  My wife and I get to lead worship at our church twice a month and we have been involved in youth ministry for over 19 years.

What are your goals for 2020?

I want to finish an ultra beast and triple trifecta this year.  I’m doing new races and events this year so I’m very excited for that…. also, no broken bones.

Photo credit: Mario Guiza, Spartan Race

2. Beast Nutrition

Beans, Beans – The magical fruit….

Bean Fun Facts:

  1. Denver-based business Women’s Bean Project, which gives soup, snack and jewelry-making gigs to chronically unemployed women, started with $500 of dry beans in 1989.
  2. Dry pinto beans are one of the most cost-efficient forms of protein at 7 cents per half-cup serving. Lean ground beef is $1.18 per 4-oz. serving and chicken is 82 cents per-4 oz. serving.
  3. In the 6th century BC, philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras had a deep philosophical dislike of beans. Some historians reported his aversion was due to the belief that legumes contained the souls of the dead.
  4. Approximately 71,089 people in the world have the last name Bean.
  5. Vermont ranks highest in searching for bean recipes online. Montana and Wyoming are second and third.
  6. In ancient Greece, minor public officials were elected by drawing beans. The person who got the white bean got the job.
  7. The Alabama Butterbean Festival set the record for the largest pot of baked beans at 1,010 gallons.
  8. North Dakota has retained its position as the top-ranking producer of dry edible beans in the United States since 1991.
  9. The longest recorded time for sitting in a bath of cold baked beans is 100 hours by Barry “Captain Beany” Kirk of Port Talbot, West Glamorgan (United Kingdom).
  10. Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) has a master’s degree in electrical engineering
  11. Every hour, 38.5 tons of baked beans are eaten in Britain.
  12. The top five beans grown in the United states are pinto beans, navy beans, black beans, red kidney beans and great northern beans.

Photo Credit:



Simple Turkey Chili

It’s the time of year for comfort foods and chili hits the spot, while providing loads of nutrition. You can get pretty creative with chili too. Take a base recipe and add things you like such as corn, rice, or top with green onions and cheese. If you eat meat add turkey, beef, bison, venison, or any ground meat. You can also sneak in veggies for the kids who aren’t too keen on them….grate zucchini and it melts in and you would never know it’s there. Here’s a great base to get you started. You can use dry beans, soak them, and do a long slow simmer in a crock pot or use canned beans to make it quick on a work night:


  • 1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 pound ground turkey
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 (28 ounce) can canned crushed tomatoes
  • 1 (16 ounce) can canned kidney beans – drained, rinsed, and mashed
  • 1 tablespoon garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper


  1. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Place turkey in the pot, and cook until evenly brown. Stir in onion, and cook until tender.
  2. Pour water into the pot. Mix in tomatoes, kidney beans, and garlic. Season chili powder, paprika, oregano, cayenne pepper, cumin, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer 30 minutes.

Photo Credit:×250/3531035.jpg


The Beast Report: March 2020
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