Here is your thirteenth weekly BeastDays Challenge! Every Wednesday a new virtual BeastWOD drops! Have fun with these weekly challenges!

This week, Justin has us combing ours Step 1: Weekly Movement & Steps 2: Special WOD into the following;

‘Justin’s Beast Builder’

3 Rounds

400m Run
20 Sit-ups
20 Sandbag Russian Twists

400m Run
20 V Ups
10 Oblique Leg Raises

400m Run
20 Grasshoppers
15 Sandbag Floor Press Flutter Kicks

400m Run
15 Sandbag Superman Crunches
10 Sandbag Pull Throughs

Breakdown: Three rounds with some heavy work and three miles or running.

Tools Needed: 1x Sandbag, weight your choice

Scaling: To modify, reduce sandbag weight or remove entirely or you may also reduce reps, but try to focus on your form here and modify the exercises as little as possible.

Bonus Challenge: Take your sandbag with you on your last run of each round!

Get this week’s challenge done and share with #BeastDays #BeastsOCR #UnleashYourBeast. We might just ask to feature you and or get you some of our sweet new stickers. Oh yeah!

BeastDays #13 Coach: Justin @worldsokayestocrathlete

‘Justin is one of our backbones and anchors within Beasts that keep us going. His can do attitude and willingness to take on any challenge while staying grounded makes him a venerable sounding board. If you get a chance to meet him, prepare to put some work in!’

Thank you so much Justin!!!

Interested in helping create these and or being a host/coach? Fill out the application here:

Weekly BeastDays Challenge Week 13
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