A Beasts OCR Community Give Back Program
Thinking about a fun way to give back to our various local communities, I thought it would be a neat idea to have Beasts OCR members do certain acts of charity throughout the year to earn a golden Beasts for a Cause patch with the year earned on it. Since Andrew Hooper chose a gold logo for his “Beasts OCR – Attacking Obstacles Inside and Out” initiative, I thought that it was fitting that we keep the gold logo going with this “charity badge” and embrace and extend Andrew’s vision.
How to Earn
Throughout 2018, Beasts who would like to get the golden Beasts for a Cause patch would have to perform 6 acts of charity in the calendar year to earn the patch.
Here is a listing of Beasts OCR approved events of which Beasts members would have to pick at least 4 items from:
- Polar Plunge for Special Olympics (I’ve been doing this since 2011)
WA: http://specialolympicswashington.org/polarplunge/ (6 locations in WA most in Jan)
OR: http://www.plungeoregon.com/ (5 locations in OR most in Feb)
ID: https://www.idso.org/public/event_details.cfm?event_id=11062 (Feb 17th) - Volunteer at a non-national brand race (many beasts volunteer at Spartan and other national brand races to pay their way through. This isn’t a knock at the big events, but we want to focus on the local races and help them succeed so we have more events to run/participate in)
- Service Event that is part of a GORUCK event (event completion not required, but you must have been an active participant in the event up to the Service Event)
- Take part of a Rucksgiving event
- Donate food to a Food bank
- Donate to a Homeless Shelter
- Take part in a Charity Challenges event
- Take part in a trail repair event
WA: https://www.wta.org/get-involved/volunteer/volunteering
OR: http://oregonstateparks.org/index.cfm?do=getinvolved.dsp_volunteer
ID: http://www.idahotrailsassociation.org/2017-trail-projects/
Each type of donation, whether time, money or items will count once to the total. If someone were to volunteer at 6 local races, that would count as 1 charitable action from the list. If someone donates monthly to a charity, that would count as 1 charitable action. While it is awesome that someone would donate to a charity multiple times, remember that this is also a “challenge”, we don’t do easy.
The other 2 acts of charity, if not used from the list above, is up to you. What causes are you passionate about? Let me, Brian May (in the Beasts OCR group on facebook), know about the cause with a link, if available, and I will add it to the list!
How to Track
Initially it will be me with a spreadsheet, but I’d really like to automate it with a website (so let me add the “coming soon” tag here). A picture will be required when completing a charitable action.
We are still creating the design of the patch and will keep you posted.
Patches will be mailed out after the end of the year so I will know how many to order.
Entry Fee
There isn’t one. If you want to try for a golden Beasts for a Cause patch, you already are.